Wisdom Wednesdays

“If nothing changed, there wouldn’t be butterflies”.Despite the reek of cheese in that quote, I find it something nice to ponder about.

As much as change, in various aspects of its way, terrifies me- sometimes I forget the value of the thrill and progress it adds to my life as well…

I am a worrier, I build castles out of molehills, and I burn too much of the candlelight fretting about the unforseeable future.

Last night, I may have gotten lost wandering around on the lanes of nostalgia, and that walk definitely made me forget about my worries for a while.

The message I walked away with at the end of it all, was that every time there has been a change in my life, from graduating high school, to leaving my hometown and family in Thailand to come to university in Canada- it always got better. Of course, these memories were obviously downfalls inclusive, but even they contributed to allowing me to learn more. This always caused me to change- and each time I felt stronger and upgraded.

It is so important to take every day at a time, the past can not be undone and the future can not be controlled.

I am on no level near enlightenment, but I jot this stuff down sometimes to come back to on a bad day. Self motivation huh?

Thanks for the eyes guys!

Also, these narccissus flowers (quite the mouthful) are my new favourite flowers. White is the such a nice colour, or lack of colour. Dont you think? Apparently they are really easy to grow at home as well!


2 Comments Add yours

  1. soulpaletteblog says:

    LOVE this post. Thank you for sharing!




    1. Thank you so much:) Glad you enjoyed it! x

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