Friday Fashion

You know those days when you feel like you just woke up and it is already almost time to go back to bed? That was my day.

My day was full of errand running, from picking up groceries, to meeting cleaning my house, to work meetings, and all those hours of public transit commuting – Phew! By the time I had to hit the bed, I had already fallen asleep. Well that’s an exaggeration, obviously that isn’t possible, but I need to emphasize how tired I was.

What sure made my life a whole lot easier was this really comfortable outfit. I love keeping my outfit of the day something I will not want to rip out all the time, but yet stylish- If I may say so myself.

I am still obsessed with my two new purchases I blogged about recently, my cap and cargo jacket, as you can see here. I was so excited I got to wear them both together and make it look like casual street style. What do you guys think of it?


If you like what I was wearing, here is where to get it all from:

-Shoes: Polyvore
-Cap: Lululemon
-Shirt and Jacket: H&M
-Pants: Forever 21

Stay ready for my post about- well actually I will leave that for an element of mystery- tomorrow!


6 Comments Add yours

  1. Tara says:

    Oooh fashionista~ Me gusta!!! ❤


  2. Aayushi says:

    I am soo going shopping at H&M


    1. Yes you totally should girl xx


  3. Dana says:



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