Spring Fashion’18 Recap

Hi ladies, So summer is pretty much here, and aren’t we all grateful for that! Vancouver is truly one of the most beautiful places I have seen when it is bright and sunny. Anyway, I thought I would do a spring fashion recap for you before my feed changes into summer wear. This year, I mainly…

A new way to shop for Indian fashion.

Hi my Indian babes, I am super excited to introduce Shop Mohini to all of you. The founder and my friend, Sonia Sidhu, designed this ingenious platform with a “made-to-order model.” What this means is that you can mix and match pieces and details to create your ideal outfit, instead of having to buy a…

TKC Design Collab Round 2!

Hi friends, All those who have been following me since I was a teeny newbie to this whole blogging business, remember that I started my first collaboration with the talented Taran Cheema, founder and designer of TKC Design Inc. We were both just embarking on our journeys of creating our brand, and 3 years later,…

Fall Fashion Recap’17

Hi ladies, So I am heading home to Bangkok in a week, and the temperature there is currently 25 degrees Celcius. In other words, there will be no more fall or winter fashion for me for a while. As much as I love the warmer weather, I also love snow during Christmas, there’s totally something…

Summer’17 budget fashion recap.

Hi darlings, I am all about being fashionable but also maintaining a budget. When it comes to clothes, I get bored extremely easily, and hate repeating outfits. Therefore, I don’t really like spending too much on my clothes, because I’m not likely to wear them for too long. When it comes to other things like…

Two Of Hearts + TheOpenJournal’s Heart

Hiya dolls! It feels really great to be blogging again, and that too about such an exciting collaboration! Let’s just dive in right away! I have so much to tell you. So, nested nicely in the heart of Kitsilano, is a quaint boutique called Two Of Hearts.  Every time I visit, I want to buy simply everything! This place glistens…

Sandy Summers…

Happy Summer and Humpday guys- Two reasons to be extra happy today! Three for me, because I was gifted this gorgeous sand duster with fringe by Backdropfashion. Thank you so much! I wore it the minute I unwrapped it from the FedEx packaging! Isn’t this look just perfect for a Wine-o-clock meeting with friends, or even just…


Good afternoon fam! Definitely did not miss waking up early today! As much as I want to, I’m not going to talk about how Saturday is my favorite day of the week because that is OBVIOUSLY everyone’s favorite day of the week and I don’t want to be generic… I feel as though I just failed with…

Mermaid Me!

Hello hello! Forgive me for the cliche heading, my creative juices are running rather low today. Anything that requires my energy will be on a low level today for that matter. I really can not believe I am back to the grind again. This can NOT be how life goes! REALLY? Two days of the…

Posh In Pink

Hey Hey! How great does it feel to not have to wake up to an alarm at 8 am? Cheers to the weekend, I love you. Please hurry up and come again ok? So today’s post will feature outfit # 2 of my Trio Series Collaboration! 😀 In contrast to the first more bold look,…