Always “longing”.

Intro: Entry # 6 of Sanjana’s story. Sanjana’s mind started to drift off as her acquaintance tucked into her fourth nostalgic story. She couldn’t help but feel tired of the same kinds of conversations with the same few people she was meeting. The same complaints, the same dreams, the same thoughts… When would she ever…

Dear 20s, you make me miss my teenage years.

It’s currently 12:25 am, and I am sitting in bed with streams of mascara and tears running down my face.Yes, I didn’t wash my makeup off my face tonight, I am exhausted. And yes, I am crying but then again, what’s new. This feels like Déjà vu. I am replaying my whole life in my…

A reminder to myself

It is really hard to feel “on top of the world” all the time. There are days where everything just goes wrong, sometimes you are just not feeling the most energetic, perhaps some unforeseen changes occurred which upset all your plans- the list goes on. Point is, despite the reason, life will never be perfect…

A Stroll To Remember

Intro: Entry #5 of Sanjana’s story.  She tugged impatiently at the end of her shirt and spread it tightly over her mouth. She needed to eliminate any noise her body was making, involuntary or not. She had to feign not being present for the consequences would be…well she didn’t want to find out. Droplets of sweat…

Suffering= Attachment.

Intro: Entry #4 of Sanjana’s story.  She looked forward to the visits to her grandmas. She always learned something new, there was always some wise words that impacted her- giving her something to ponder about later and work on achieving for herself. This time around however, the banter they exchanged seemed different. “You are almost 23 now”, her…

Good Things Always…

Intro: Entry #3 of Sanjana’s story. Yet again, she was consumed by her misery. That’s when she journaled, she bet her diary despised her. Or thought of her as a very sad person all the time. Oh well, all the most beautiful work from the most creative artists were all of pain. Who wants to write…

A New Day Will Come Around

Intro: Entry #2 of Sanjana’s story. She always found herself caught up in envy from the illusion of perfection everywhere around her. Everywhere she went, anything she would do. It would somehow always manage to find a way to creep up into and entangle her in it’s trap. Self loathing,  constant comparing, always wishing for more… The…

Sanjana’s Start

Intro: This is me trying to continue on my pursue of my passion in writing. I decided to start a series of a fictional story about a girl named Sanjana. Though the events will be fictional, I plan on making her somewhat similar to me- to make everything as relatable as possible. Why Sanjana: I…

Vanity in Vancity…

I was eating dinner in bright sunlight yesterday. Threw me off in the best way possible. The sun set at 7:4opm, and it did so gloriously- turning the sky orange then pink before finally disappearing. You all know what that means? More lighting for better selfies! I am just kidding, maybe? In all seriousness, I…

Scene I. Venice

If you prick us, do we not bleed? If you tickle us, do we not laugh? If you poison us, do we not die? And if you wrong us, shall we not revenge? -Shylock, William Shakespeare. My father used to read excerpts of the Merchant of Venice to my sister and I when we were younger, right…