Fall/Winter Fashion Recap 2019


As per usual, I like to showcase a quick recap of my looks when a season ends on my blog because Instagram isn’t everything.
My own conspiracy theory is that, just like Facebook, Instagram might end up losing its traction one day, and I’d just hate to have all the content I worked so hard on just disappear—in a way, my website is my safety bank…so here goes!

I always get a lot of questions on where I buy a lot of my outfits, and as much as I try to avoid fast fashion to be conscious of the environment—I also like to keep trendy, so I’ll admit that I do give in to buying garments online from affordable websites like Romwe and Shein. I also love to shop at H&M, and I find some great things on Amazon, believe it or not! I can’t justify spending so much money at more expensive labels, because I get really bored of my clothes really fast, and don’t wear them enough to justify the price point. That being said, I will splurge on functional pieces like raincoats and bags.

If you have any questions on any of my looks, feel free to hit me in my DMs, or just fill out the contact form below!

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