Leggy In Leggings?

Good morning lovelies! 🙂

So I am a big time yoga pants/leggings type person. They are just so comfortable and not restraining.
However, they can be rather boring to look at. That’s the price you got to pay sometimes when you choose comfort over beauty…

Or that’s what I thought anyway! I spotted these mesh leggings a while ago, and knew I needed to have them. Not only are the super comfortable and cooling, but are also super stylish!


I got them from Nordstrom, activewear, Onzie for $80, which is pretty expensive- but I know they will last me a long time, so it shall be worth all that money.
I had also had my eyes on some Vans shoes, but since I spent a fortune on these leggings, I decided against them- and got a pair of look a likes from HnM instead, for a mere $15.

This was my look for my Hiphop dance class yesterday, felt super nice to be breaking it down again.

Also guys! Get all my live updates on food, lifestyle, fashion and beauty by adding me on Snapchat guys: theopenjournal. ❤